Saturday, July 2, 2011

Beach Preparation

It's Summer time and let's face it, the beach is the place to be. What to pack? If you're taking your family use bags that are easy to carry around. Also, make sure when you pack your sunscreen you pack at least 2 bottles and reapply. Always make sure your little ones are hydrated. 

Truly consider investing in the two piece suits that have sleeves for little ones. This helps to avoid sunburn on the shoulders. I truly love them! It helps! Here is a list of what I take.

1. Sunscreen (2 bottles)
2. Beach mats (bamboo rollups) easy to clean
3. Ice Chest (full of water)
4. Umbrella (trust me it helps)
5. Towels (take at least 1 per person plus 2)
6. Snacks
7. Diaper bag with extra clothes (optional I have little ones)
8. Water shoes for everyone plus flip flops
9. Gallon of water (use to rinse off feet when you get to the car)
10. floats or tubes
11. A smile and a water proof camera

Have fun and enjoy yourselves. Make sure you build a sand castle and hunt for sea shells. Enjoy the family time. 

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